2024 Newsletters

March, 2024

We've all had that moment where we're sitting across from a colleague or client, and they start talking about a gap or challenge in their business. "I wish I had a better solution in place to help us with ______ ." However you fill in that blank, we all want a resource that can lead us to trusted, vetted solutions. 

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April, 2024

Engaging with business leaders across all sectors and industries today, it is rare to have conversations where these hurdles don’t get brought up. Staffing is more challenging than ever, and organizations struggle to find and retain the best talent. The harsh reality is that it’s harder than ever to fill positions with strong, quality candidates that can perform at the levels that business requires.

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May, 2024

Having stepped into the fractional world long before it became a popular buzzword and career path, our experience in delivering fractional services sets us apart. From accounting and finance work to HR and recruiting, we understand the fractional space inside and out because we’ve done it for so long – and experience does matter.

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June, 2024

What’s keeping you up at night? For some, it’s a lack of solid financial reporting. For others, it’s wrangling the growth of a business – what seemed unnecessary before feels essential today. You might be experiencing the pressure of your bank asking for more timely communication or encountering the uncertainty that comes without solid financial projections.

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September, 2024

How clean and accurate is your data? There is a massive amount of power in advanced financial data analysis. Often, that power is hidden and dormant, but when exposed, it can change the trajectory of your business.

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December, 2024

As a banker, you want your clients to win; you need them to win. When they’re running their businesses with accurate and timely books and financials, they’re set up to win. When they win, you also win. It strengthens your client relationships and your investment in their businesses, positioning them for long-term success. And, when you partner with TMG Consulting to help guide your clients’ accounting and finance work, both you and the client get better information to use in decisions about your future direction. 

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Let’s get you get back to what you do best - managing and growing your business. Start the conversation.

TMG Consulting is your trusted partner who can bridge gaps in your business in the areas of finance, accounting, and HR.

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7321 Hillsdale Court, Chanhassen, Minnesota 55317

O: 952.949.2433 | C: 612.202.1435